Sunday, December 23, 2007

Peanut Cat and Friends

We have only been gone for a couple of days and we have already met five new kitty cats. The one right here looks a lot like Spammy, but sheʻs not. Her name is Peanut, and you can tell sheʻs not Spammy because she has a little white dot on her neck. Peanut belongs to my friend Patti. Sheʻs a friendly little kitty, and she looks real pretty sitting in front of the Christmas tree.

You might think this is a picture of an orange bowling ball and a black and white cat. Turns out that bowling ball has little legs and it can run. The bowling ball has a name, too - Morris. The black and white kitty is named Cindy. Cindy and Morris are living in Mommy and Daddyʻs basement right now. They like to chase strings around when they are not busy eating and sleeping.

The other two kitties we met are named Trouble and P. Or is it Pee? I didnʻt see how it was spelled. :) They live at our friend Chris's house, and we went to visit him on Friday. I forgot to take pictures of them though.


Unknown said...

After showing my cats the picture that aunt Marsha took of them last night, Morriss, (the Tabby Cat) has asked me to request a correction with the editor as he spells his name "Morriss." He thanks the editor for her time and help.

Unknown said...

After showing my cats the picture that aunt Marsha took of them last night, Morriss, (the Tabby Cat) has asked me to request a correction with the editor as he spells his name "Morriss." He thanks the editor for her time and help.