Mission Impossible? (a.k.a. yet another cat post...)
Yesterday morning we noticed that Spammy's ears looked pink, and they felt warm, at least compared to Musubi's. But he was acting normal, so we didn't think too much about it.
Today I had a little time so I tried researching on the web about cats having warm ears, to see if it's a symptom of anything (his ears aren't warm anymore though). Anyway, I didn't find anything, but I did come across a funny site for cats called Catster.com. No, I didn't sign Spammy or Musubi up for a Catster account! However, I did look around for a while, and found a Catster forum thread about potty training your kitty. So that inspired me to give it a try, and blog our progress haha!Day 1
It just so happens that our cellar has a little toilet room in it (no sink, just a toilet). How handy is that for potty training your cats? So today, we moved kitties' litterbox from its usual spot in the cellar to a space right beside said toilet. If you look carefully, you can see that one kitty has already taken to the litterbox's new location, while the other kitty has taken to drinking from the toilet! (For those of you who don't already realize this, you can click on the picture to see a larger version of it.)
I hope they don't decide they can't go potty in that toilet because they'd rather drink out of it. To be continued...
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