Thursday, April 27, 2006

Stop and Smell the Roses

Or in this case, the lilacs.

Kenji called at about six and said he would be home late, so I decided to go have a nice long walk before supper, and before it got dark. It was the perfect temperature of warm with a little bit of a breeze. And it sure was smelly outside, with all kinds of blossoms and fresh grass clippings!

My favorite of all the smells of course are the lilacs, so every time I encountered a lilac bush along the sidewalk, I stopped and took a nice, deep whiff. This of course brought me back to small kid time when we used to like to pick the lilac blossoms and bring them inside the house for Mommy.

Apparently taking a nice deep breath of lilac scent also triggers memories of bugs flying up my nose. Each time I stopped to smell the lilacs this evening, I fully expected to have a little black fly, hidden among the little flowers, get sucked right into my nostril. Fortunately none did.

And now for something completely different.

Just before I started this post, I noticed that so far I'd made a total of 99 posts to this blog. That means this is post #100! Woo-hoo!

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